Training on Basic Mathematics for 12th Grade Students of SMA Pasundan Majalaya in Preparation for the 2024 SNBT

Rizki Apriva Hidayana, Siti Hadiaty Yuningsih, Abdul Gazir Syarifudin, Rika Amelia, Nenden Siti Nurkholipah


Basic math training plays an important role in preparing students for the National Selection Based Test (SNBT), which is one of the entry pathways to public universities in Indonesia. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of academic ability test training in improving the readiness of XII grade students of Pasundan Majalaya High School to face SNBT 2024. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with a case study approach. The study population was all XII grade students of Pasundan Majalaya High School who participated in the training program. Data were collected through observations and tests conducted before and after the training. Data analysis was conducted to measure the improvement of students' academic ability and readiness. The results showed that the academic proficiency test training implemented at Pasundan Majalaya High School was effective in improving students' pre and post test results. There was a significant increase in proficiency test scores through pre and post test results. In addition, the training also helped students in developing time management skills, problem solving strategies, and critical thinking skills. The findings suggest that structured and comprehensive training can significantly improve students' academic readiness, thus helping them to face SNBT more confidently and competitively. This research is expected to contribute to the preparation of Pasundan Majalaya High School students for college entrance selection.


Mathematics, SNBT, Class XII students, Majalaya

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