Analysis of Put and Call Option Pricing on BCA Stock Using the Black-Scholes Model: Financial and Risk Management Perspective


  • Angela Ratna Sari Palbeno Mathematics Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang, Indonesia
  • Natasya Pradini Putri Mathematics Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang, Indonesia


PT. Bank Central Asia (BCA) stock, Black-Scholes, Put and Call Options, Volatility, Interest rate.


The Indonesian stock market, especially PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) stock experiences high volatility. Therefore, this research is very important to provide a deeper understanding of the pricing of put and call options as a risk management instrument. This study aims to analyze the pricing of put and call options on PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) shares using the Black-Scholes model and identify factors that affect stock price fluctuations on option prices. This study aims to understand the changes in put and call option prices on PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) shares caused by fluctuations in stock prices. This study uses historical data of PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) shares, volatility, and current interest rates as the basis for analysis. The Black-Scholes method is used as a framework to analyze the pricing of put and call options by considering volatility and interest rates. The results of this study analyze the price changes of put and call options in the face of stock price fluctuations and the factors that affect option prices so as to provide insight into risk management and investment decision making. This research is expected to provide practical guidance for investors and risk managers in making decisions related to put and call options on PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) shares.


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