A Bibliometric Analysis for Lebesgue Measure Integration in Optimization
Discontinuous Function, Measure Theory, Network Visualization, Lebesgue Integration, OptimizationAbstract
In solving mathematical problems so far, Riemann's integral theory is quite adequate for solving pure mathematics and applications problems. But not all problems can be solved using this integration, such as a discontinuous function that is not Riemann's integration. Lebesgue integral is an integration concept based on measure and can solve finite and unlimited function problems and be solved in a more general set domain. One of the bases of this integration is the Lebesgues measure includes the set of real numbers, where the length of the interval is the endpoints. The alternative use of this integral is widely used in various studies such as partial differential equations, quantum mechanics, and probabilistic analysis, requiring the integration of arbitrary set functions. This paper will show a comprehensive bibliometric survey of peer-reviewed articles referring to Lebesgue measure in integration. Search results are obtained 832 papers in the google scholar database and 997 papers using Lebesgue measure integration in optimization. It can also be seen that the research have 4 clusters and 3 clusters respectively with scattered keywords for each cluster. Finally, using bibliographic data can be obtained Lebesgues measure in integration and optimization supports many of the research and provides productive citations to citing the study.References
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